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Miniature ACEO Art Print Sale to Celebrate

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Woodland Haven - SOLD

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Waiting for Spring - SOLD

Buying that huge egg custard pie yesterday must have been a premonition. Today is a pie day!

Not one, but two of my miniature ACEO color pencil drawings sold at The Snow Goose Gallery last month. To celebrate, grab your favorite pie, add the topping of your choice and chow down!

Or head over to my eBay store where prints of the sold pieces will be on sale all this week. Prints are already matted to 5" x 7", so all you have to do is find a frame to drop them in.

Buy giclee art prints of "Waiting for Spring" at eBay

Buy giclee art prints of "Woodland Haven" at eBay

Broken Coke Glass charcoal still life drawing (Carbon Footprints #21)

Charcoal Drawing Broken Coke Glass
Charcoal Drawing Broken Coke Glass

The last of my Coke glasses bit the dust this week. Victim of an over enthusiastic, badly stacked dishwasher.

I bought four when we arrived in America, with not a cup, glass, plate or spoon to our name...and only three weeks before Christmas...when the snow lay thick on the ground...

ooo - I think I hear violins

But as it happened our luck was in. As you all well know EVERYTHINGgoes on sale before Christmas in America. This was the first indication I had that I was truly in a crazy foreign land. In Britain, we tend to leave our sales until January...or Boxing Day at the very least. When no-one has any money left...

hmmm...I'm beginning to see the light

So as my Dollar Store glasses have now served nearly thirteen years, I think they have earned the honor of being immortalized in charcoal.

Description : a Coca Cola glass lies broken and discarded, casting an eerie shadow on the wall behind

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series.

Color Pencil Drawing Update : Cloudscape


It's been a while since I posted an update on the cloudscape. Progress has been slower than usual but I have been putting in the odd hour here and there over the past week and I was surprised to see how much it had changed.

Work has slowed partly due to an influx of editing work (two websites to make and a couple of portfolios to photograph), and partly due to a 50% sale at my local garden store. The problem with buying lots of half price plants, is that you still have to dig full price holes. But I did manage to time it just right to let Mother Nature do the watering for me.

Fast Food Debris Charcoal Drawing (Carbon Footprint #20)

charcoal drawing of fast food trash
charcoal drawing of fast food trash

Phew! I was beginning to think I had bitten off more than I could chew, but I finished this drawing just in time. "Name that Sketch" really would not have been the same without the sketch!

Lulu is particularly fond of this one. She's been hanging out in the studio again, sniffing the air with a hopeful look on her face. In fact the final drawing was nearly swept away just as I was photographing it - prey to a frantic tail, over-happy at the prospect of lunchtime.

Description : Fast food cups and boxes, napkins and chicken nugget containers litter the table. Want fries with that?

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series.

Pineapple Hull charcoal and pastel drawing (Carbon Footprint #19)

pineapple fruit still life drawing
pineapple fruit still life drawing

mmmmm - the hot studio lamp has been toasting this all day and the smell of gently warming pineapple has permeated the studio. It's making it very difficult to leave and very enjoyable to return.

Description: Charcoal and pastel combine to give this large still life drawing the look of an old hand colored photograph. The pineapple has been sliced and cored, leaving just an empty skin. But the warm golden orange combines with cool acid yellow to give a mouthwatering taste of the missing fruit.

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the "Carbon Footprints" series. Affordable Giclee Art Prints available to buy on Etsy

Glorious Color in the Mail : Pan Pastels

art supplies

art supplies

Is there anything more splendid than receiving a box full of art supplies in the mail?

The joy of discovering blobs of pure color amongst the peanuts completely banishes the nagging guilt of overspending.

Yes, I would have got a better deal buying a pre-packaged set of colors - the landscape set, or the portrait set or just the general "artist colors" set. But each one only had a few colors that really sang to me, so I decided to buy just those colors instead.

And look! they each come with their own little sponge. I think I am going to need a mini laundry for all my sponges soon.

art supplies

art supplies

art supplies

art supplies

And here are my new Prismacolor Art Stix, along with some regular pencils to give you an idea of their size. They are very good for some loose scribbling and for covering a lot of paper in a short amount of time and for not getting bogged down by the details too quickly.

Watermelon Rind charcoal and pastel drawing (Carbon Footprint #18)

Buy This Giclee Art Print on Etsy
Buy This Giclee Art Print on Etsy

It's amazing what you find when you clean up. I found a whole tin of Faber Castell pastel pencils that I bought on eBay ages ago, mistaking them for regular color pencils. They had been squirrelled away for a rainy day...and there have been plenty of those recently.

When I finished the charcoal drawing of watermelon rind, I realised that what I really loved about this still life set-up was the cool pink flesh contrasting with the acid green skin.

And then I remembered the pastel pencils. I quite like the subtle effect. I think it has the feeling of a hand colored old photograph.

Description : Humble, everyday watermelon rind is transformed into a sculptural, almost abstract piece of art in this delicate pastel and charcoal picture. Perfect artwork for your kitchen or dining room.

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the "Carbon Footprints" series. Affordable Giclee Art Prints available to buy on Etsy

Colored Pencil Art Work in Progress : Cloudscape I


Nudged into action by all the fabulous stormy cloudscapes we've been having this summer, I have started on a new large drawing.

To cover the paper quickly at this early stage I am trying out Prismacolor's Art Stix. They are a block of  solid color a bit like a traditional pastel stick, but made from the same "lead" used in their color pencils. Being Prismacolor, they have a wax binder, so I expect to contend with the waxy bloom at a later stage of the drawing - which can sometimes happen with a heavy application of this brand. I will finish off the finer details with traditional pencil, but it is so liberating not to have a tiny point to work with at this large planning stage.