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A trash heap with silver service?

the aliens have landed!

I am getting some great feedback from the “Carbon Footprints” exhibition at the Park Avenue Club

It seems people are really enjoying sipping their cocktails and munching their posh nosh, amongst my inedible remains and dusty discards.

The restaurant is for members only, so call ahead for a good time to visit the show between sittings : (973) 301-8233

April 16 - September 10 2012

Carbon Footprints Park Avenue Club 184 Park Avenue Florham Park, NJ

Feast Your Eyes on This

Saved You One : charcoal and pastel

For April and June, I will have a solo show of work surrounding the acquisition, preparation, consumption and disposal of food.

The work captures those brief moments that often slip past unnoticed in our fast food lives, illuminating the things we have seen a thousand times, while cleaning the kitchen, preparing dinner or taking out the trash.

Thirty drawings and prints will be on display in the Madison Gallery of Morristown Memorial Hospital - the main corridor leading to the cafeteria. I wonder if my pictures will change the choices people make once they get there!

April 1 – June 3, 2012

Madison Gallery : Morristown Memorial Hospital 100 Madison Ave Morristown, NJ

What Does a Cookie Know? Carbon Footprint #43

Cookie Consultation - charcoal still life drawing  |  SOLD

Despite multiple consultations, that darn cookie did not foresee last week's technical *hiccup* that crashed this blog. Maybe I was unwise to eat those Misfortune Cookies after all

So here is a belated wish that your Year of the Rabbit delivers multiplying health and happiness and breeds many creative opportunities

"Cookie Consultation" charcoal 12" x 10" For sale on Etsy

Emerging at Noyes and Perkins

YEA Opening Reception

If you missed the "Emerging Artists" show at Gloucester County College last fall, you have two more chances see this art exhibition in South Jersey The entire show has been picked up by the Noyes Museum and the Perkins Art Center and will run until the Spring daffodils are poking their heads through the snow - an emergence that cannot come soon enough for me!

February 11 2011 - April 7 2011 Emerging Artists Series Noyes Museum 5 South Second Street Hammoton, NJ

February 15 2011 - March 12 2011Emerging Artists Series Perkins Art Center 30 Irvin Avenue Collingswood, NJ

Last Chance to See...

Carbon Footprints

Carbon Footprints is drawing to a close and I would like to thank everyone who braved the truly appalling winter weather to come and pick through my trash

If you haven't made it yet, you still have a week to stop by : wind, weather, ice and thunder snow permitting

thank you for coming!

Last Chance : February 10th SOLO SHOW : Carbon Footprints Gaelen Gallery West Rt 10 East (look for the Gold's Gym sign!) Whippany, NJ

Making an Effort

Making and Effort : charcoal and pastel still life drawing

It seems it is time to reacquaint myself with my hairdresser to get the annual hairdo, for the artist's reception for "Carbon Footprints" is fast approaching

I hope you can suspend your New Year's resolution on Sunday 16th 11-1pm, to stop by and share in the celebratory pie, cookies and other naughty nibblies. (the celery, cottage cheese and cardboard diet will resume on Monday)

If distance and weather prevents you from enjoying a slice of frozen New Jersey, then kick back with a tub of ice cream and sample the show from your sofa at Carbon Footprints

Sweet and Sour : charcoal and pastel still life drawing

Artist Reception : January 16 11-1pm December 14 - February 10 2011 SOLO SHOW : Carbon Footprints Gaelen Gallery West Lautenberg Family JCC Rt 10 East Whippany, NJ

Sweet and Sour : Carbon Footprint #41

Sweet and Sour : charcoal and pastel still life drawing

It is a well tested phenomenon that 20 minutes after eating a Chinese meal, you want another one Seems it goes for drawing them too

During the last large still life drawing, I discovered that splendid orange shadow cast on the noodle box and knew it needed a picture of its own - more space to breath

I am loving this paper too - Johannot by Canson - it gives a very soft, velvety finish to the drawing that I really like. I am keeping working notes on all the papers I try in an online scrapbook. So if you are another weirdo who loves paper a little too much, then leave me a recommendation for your favorite at The Paperphiles

Hey, for some women it's shoes - me, I go weak at the knees in a paper store. I remember the day I found Kate's Paperie in New York - boy that was a good day!

(Actually, I quite like shoes too)

Description : Large charcoal and pastel still life drawing of left over sweet and sour sauce and Chinese noodle box

Chinese Shadow Play : Carbon Footprint #40

Sweet and Sour : charcoal and pastel still life drawing 30" x 22"

As I was setting up the still life, I fell in love with that shadow looming on the back wall. Such drama! But as I continued to draw and took the time to look closer, other quieter elements of the arrangement started to quicken my heart

So, in order to share what I see, my fortune cookie predicts there will be another chinese take out in my future Hey ho - such are the sacrifices for art

Description : a dark dramatic shadow looms in the background of this large charcoal and pastel still life drawing of chinese take out - noodle box, crumpled paper bag and broken fortune cookie

22″ x 30″, charcoal and pastel still life drawing

This charcoal and pastel still life drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series

Chocolate Cupcakes in the Big Apple

Chocolate Chocolate Chip - charcoal and pastel drawing : at HVAA Show in Gramercy Park NY

I am very excited that The Hudson Valley Arts Assocoiation accepted my large charcoal and pastel drawing "Chocolate Chocolate Chip" (30" x 22") for their annual juried show at The National Arts Club in Gramercy Park.

Celebratory Pie ocurred shortly afterwards at Blue Smoke : Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae to share scrumptious!

You can see the show until the end of July, so stop by if you're in the city : address below

The National Arts Club NYC
HVAA at The National Arts Club, NYC


Here's a selection of my favorite pieces - they're all drawings what a surprise!

Take a closer look at Anne Schlomer's Award winning charcoal and graphite drawing "437, 13th Street" on her website. And also Mary Felton's exquisite charcoal portraits of horses, birds and some humans too!

Anne Schlomer : 437, 13th Street
On the Beach, pastel : Linda Armstrong

Keiko Nakamori : A Woman
Mary Felton : Preening Time

July 2 - July 30 2010 79th Annual Exhibition Hudson Valley Art Association The National Arts Club 15 Gramercy Park South New York, NY

Belated Pie Day - Best Drawing at the Gaelen Art Show

May 16 - June 16 11th Annual Gaelen Juried Art Show The Gaelen Gallery West Lautenburg Family JCC off Route 10 East Whippany, NJ

Jo Bradney : Eggbox, charcoal still life drawing - Best Drawing

Happy Belated Pie Day!

With all the weekend festivals and new work, I have forgotten to share my Pie Day with you. I am excited to have Best Drawing awarded to "Eggbox"

But even better than that, my friend Florence Wint won Best in Sculpture for "Thinking Woman"...

Florence Wint - Best Sculpture

...and Letty Oratowski won Honorable Mention in watercolor for "Mangoes and Glass"...

Letty Oratowski - Watercolor Honorable Mention

..and B John Kaufman (who has one of my miniature drawings in his kitchen!) won Best in Mixed Media for "From the Tree"

B John Kaufman - Best Mixed Media

Joy Yagid's "Beauty Undiminished by Death or Snow" is a poignant photograph of a woodpecker found in this winter's snow

Joy Yagid - photography

and Corey Wolff's "Bright Tree Lights" is a unusual abstract photograph - just fabulous!

Corey Wolff - "Bright Tree Lights" abstract photography

so many friends, such a lovely opening (with fantastic pie)