This year I am looking forward to being part of the South Orange and Maplewood Artists Studio Tour. Even though my actual studio is elsewhere, I have been made an honorary "Maplewoodian" for the day
I am borrowing the porch of a very kind friend to sit and color all day. So come by and feel free to ask any burning questions you may have involving pencil sharpeners and erasers.
No vacuuming, no emptying the trash, no squirrelling away all those things that really have no home
A free shuttle bus leaves from South Orange or Maplewood Station at 11am and will make stops throughout the two villages. So Park and Ride, or just hop on the train from NYC
Take a look at Nancy Tobin's review in the NY Times Local Edition to help plan your day
DATE : June 6th 11-5pm
PLACE : Maplewood and South Orange, NJ
TICKETS : $7 advance purchase, $10 day of the tour
Buy Tickets and Map at :1978 Gallery and The Baird
tickets also available on the shuttle bus
see the website for full details of ticket locations