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Think "Blue Sky" for the Mayapple Festival

color pencil miniature landscape

Lets hope the sky will be this crystal clear for the Mayapple festival this weekend.

If you're the sort of weirdo that likes to get up at the crack of dawn for a marathon, then the runners are assembling at 6am. For the rest of us, the Mayapple Festival begins at 10am - time enough for a lie in and a bacon sandwich.

Nature hikes and a frisbee competition will be taking place throughout the day. And if you're in a more contemplative mood a nature inspired Creative Writing Workshop will be held at 2pm.

There will be also an Art fair featuring nature inspired art from local artists - including yours truly and fabulous juicy flower photographs from my friend Joy Yagid

If you are planning to stop by to say howdy...bring me another bacon sarnie

Mayapple Festival Activities

Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Festival
              6 a.m. – Ultra-Marathon       
Place: Essex County South Mountain Reservation
              Crest Drive
              South Orange, NJ

New York in my Pocket

Central Park, New York NY
Central Park, New York NY

A very hot and sticky day in New York last August, was much relieved by the cool shade of Central Park; rambling through the woodland pathways and hiding from the baking bricks under a leafy canopy of green.

Sharing an ice cream sherbert with my brother - almost as good as Grandad used to make - brought refreshment of a different kind.

Rambling in Central Park, New York, NY color pencil miniature landscape
Rambling in Central Park, New York, NY color pencil miniature landscape

Bus Trip back to Summer

miniature color pencil landscape 3.5" x 2.5"
miniature color pencil landscape 3.5" x 2.5"

narrow bridge 3.5" x 2.5"

We had a brief burst of Spring weather this week, and I have been clearing wet leaves from around the new bulbs shoots, smelling the warming earth and seeing which plants have started to bud.  And with the clocks going forward this weekend, I am fully anticipating the return of summer.

Last summer we headed back home for my brother's wedding and spent one day being bounced along the winding country lanes of the Isle of Wight on the top of a double decker bus. Best of all we had the front seats and got to "drive" the bus. I acted like a total tourist and took photos all the way (gotta love that digital). It was a lovely day, with memories of jolly days out with Nan and Grandad and anticipating trips to come with my new nephew.

And, at the end of the ride, an ice cream at the seaside. Can't beat that.

Isle of Wight hedgerows, color pencil miniature landscape

Isle of Wight hedgerows, color pencil miniature landscape