Just a quick reminder that the opening for "Stock the Food Pantry" is this Sunday 2-5pm
The weather forecast is for a balmy 56°, so shake off the cabin fever and come and enjoy the Spring sunshine.
Maybe even pick up a new piece of art to spruce up the house in the annual Spring Clean.
I have just delivered the work for the show at the L&M Art Gallery and am excited that I have two booths! I have included some of my larger color pencil drawings as well as the popular miniatures and I am happy that the new oil paintings will be getting their first airing. I will be eager to hear your thoughts on them.
I managed to sneak a peak at the other artists in the show and there is such a diverse range of work from the 18 New Jersey artists included. I saw some great photography which I have my eye on; abstract as well as realistic painting; some lovely encaustic pieces and an unusual enamel painting; beautiful ceramics and silver work.
Something, in short, for everyone.
I hope I have enticed you out of the cabin and into the sun again.
In the immortal words of Mole in Wind in the Willows - "Hang the Spring Cleaning" come and have some fun!
Opening Reception : Sunday March 15th 2 - 5pm
Show : March 15 - 28
L&M Art Gallery
124 Elmora Ave
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
Visit www.lmartgallery.com for directions.
Ample parking in the rear of the building