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Good Grief! I've run out of charcoal!

how did that happen? I could have sworn I had a brand new pack of chunky charcoal just waiting in the wings. But no, nothing but scratty end pieces and dust. Uh-oh, I see a trip to the art store in my future. QUICK! Hide the credit cards.

In the mean time, here's another scrumptious pastel landscape to enjoy. These Pan Pastels are still such fun to play with. I wonder what other colors they have at the store....

pastel drawng of fall woodland reflected in a turquoise stream
pastel drawng of fall woodland reflected in a turquoise stream

Fine Art Exhibit and Wine Tasting Charity Event

I will be exhibiting art in the annual charity fundraiser at Birchwood Manor in Whippany, NJ next week. It looks like it should be a good evening, with wine, nibbles and live music to enjoy as you peruse the art. There's even a wine seminar, so I might just learn something too! Benefit for Local Charities The Arc Morris The Randolph Lions Club The Wayne Marino Scholarship Fund

Includes Wine Seminar, Hors D’oeuvres, Live Music, Prizes and Art Exhibit Tickets $50.00 per person To purchase your tickets or for more information call Marie at 973-326-9750 ext: 211

Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:00 to 10:00 pm at The Birchwood Manor 111 North Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ

Please stop making Pumpkin Pie! (Carbon Footprint #31)

empty pumpkin pie can - charcoal still life drawing by Jo Bradney
empty pumpkin pie can - charcoal still life drawing by Jo Bradney

This was my last can of pumpkin. I forgot to budget for the Fall Pumpkin Pie Frenzy and my store has been out of canned pumpkin for almost a month now. It seems they just can't keep it on the shelf. Now what is Lulu going to have for lunch?

It's loyal customers like Lulu that keep the canned pumpkin industry going through the lean Spring months; through the humidity of Summer, when pumpkin pie is the last thing on your mind. I'm pretty sure pumpkin is always on Lulu's mind - she's even added it to her growing list of vocabulary.

She's just going to have to make do with green beans until after Thanksgiving

where's my pumpkin!
where's my pumpkin!

Don't forget to leave a title suggestion for a free mini print

Description : An empty squashed can of pumpkin with a torn paper label, captured in a charcoal still life drawing

This charcoal drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series.

Alex Masket : Breaking Boundaries - Art Show

Alex Masket "Eagle"   22"h x 28"w
Alex Masket "Eagle" 22"h x 28"w

I went to a terrific art show opening at the Summit Medical Center in Berkeley Heights last week.

The largest selection of Alex's work are his mixed media pieces, created using adhesive vinyl letters and numbers on hand-painted canvas. I really love the ones that use the outside, negative space from the stickers.

Alex Masket - The Big Deal
Alex Masket - The Big Deal

What does not come across from these small thumbnails here are the subtle reflective quality of the images. As you walk past these large canvases the light shifts and reflects in a different way, opening new dimensions, as the light ripples through the painting. If you're close enough, you can even see ghostly outlines of yourself, as the picture incorporates and reflects it's surroundings. Quite magical

The lego giclee prints are also enchanting (the actual lego pieces were too precious for Alex to part with). This one is my favorite. As my eyes flick constantly back and forth, spotting doors, windows, columns, flashing lights, it feels like the half glimpsed view of a subway station, as the train rushes through.

"Kinetic Blue" Alex Masket
"Kinetic Blue" Alex Masket

Show Dates : Now until December 2009 The Lawrence Pavilion Gallery (Lower Lobby) Summit Medical Group 1 Diamond Hill Road Berkeley Heights, NJ

Just off Rt 78 at exit 43

All Images copyright Alex Masket

Free Shipping on Giclee Art Prints

It is the first weekend for fluffy blankets and hot chocolate here in the North East. And as I snuggle in, watching the Grand Prix and noodling about the internet, I'm looking around the room thinking we could do with some pictures in here. You might think that an artist would have no wall space left, but I find it hard to decorate with my own work when it keeps coming and going. Plus it's much harder to let it go if I think I own it.

Some pieces are too precious to ever sell - my first colored pencil drawing "Stolen Glimpse" for instance. It's the first thing I see in the morning...well second, after a wet dog nose and early morning wash. And some much loved pictures I have replaced with high quality giclee prints - not quite as lovely as the real thing, but a darn good substitute.

And then I find that my favorite art site, Imagekind, has a free shipping coupon to give me a helping hand with the Fall Clean Up. They must have read my mind.

They have terrific quality giclee prints on paper or canvas and all at very affordable prices. Plus you know that the artists are getting a fair cut too. These guys will even frame it - all I have to do is bang in a nail.

Free US Shipping Coupon Code : POPULARART09 Expires : Oct 4th midnight PDT

Here's a little taste of my favorites to get you started

linda plaisted "Loopy"
linda plaisted "Loopy"
briggs - Funk Man
briggs - Funk Man
cbjphoto - Colorful Slot
cbjphoto - Colorful Slot
simona balas - camera dulce (sweet room)
simona balas - camera dulce (sweet room)

And of course - your's truly

jobradney - Tossed Salad
jobradney - Tossed Salad

Egg Box charcoal still life drawing (Carbon Footprint #30)

charcoal drawing of an empty plastic egg box with egg shells
charcoal drawing of an empty plastic egg box with egg shells

Coming back to drawing after a two week holiday is like the first aerobic work out after a vacation...I've been told Fingers all rusty and stiff; eyes have got lazy and are just looking, not seeing; and the legs are complaining about standing at the easel for so long

So what do I choose? 12 ellipses, see-through plastic and lots of funky highlights. And the simply perfect shape of an egg

yeeeees...nothing like easing yourself in gently

(Brilliant fun though)

Description : Charcoal still life drawing of an empty plastic egg box and broken egg shells

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series.

Shell on Prawns, charcoal still life drawing (Carbon Footprints #29)

Prawn shells, squeezed lemon and a bottle of white wine
Prawn shells, squeezed lemon and a bottle of white wine

I've been to the seaside for my holidays. Lots of prawns (or shrimp...depending on which side of the atlantic you lean towards), but much more wine, bestest old school friends, lots of giggles and fishy fingers.

A simply schplendid time had by all

Description : charcoal and pastel still life drawing of an empty wine bottle, half a squeezed lemon and a pile of shrimp shells

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series.

Empty Jam Jar - still life charcoal and pastel drawing (Carbon Footprints #28)

charcoal and pastel still life drawing of an empty jam jar and knife
charcoal and pastel still life drawing of an empty jam jar and knife

I enjoyed drawing the empty jam jar so much last week, that it is making a second appearance this week - this time as a solo performer. This long skinny piece of paper was left over from the avocado drawing - "Pitted", so I am also being nice and economical and using up my left-overs... in more ways than one.

Leave a title suggestion for a free mini print

Description : Charcoal Still Life Drawing of an empty marmalade mar and sticky knife.

Buy the original charcoal drawing on Etsy

Toast and Marmalade Jar - charcoal and pastel drawing (Carbon Footprint #27)

empty marmalade jar and toast crust, charcoal and pastel still life drawing
empty marmalade jar and toast crust, charcoal and pastel still life drawing

Up until now, all the Carbon Footprints still life drawings have been genuine discards from my own life. This one is a bit of a fib

There is NO WAY I would have left that much scrumptious toast and marmalade.

But I decided that this picture needed something organic and so I sacrificed the last corner of toast for the picture. There can be no great art, without great sacrifice.

Leave a title suggestion for a 5" mini print

Description : Still life drawing in charcoal and pastel of an empty marmalade jar, sticky knife and half eaten corner of toast.

This charcoal still life drawing is part of the “Carbon Footprints” series.