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Making an Effort

Making and Effort : charcoal and pastel still life drawing

It seems it is time to reacquaint myself with my hairdresser to get the annual hairdo, for the artist's reception for "Carbon Footprints" is fast approaching

I hope you can suspend your New Year's resolution on Sunday 16th 11-1pm, to stop by and share in the celebratory pie, cookies and other naughty nibblies. (the celery, cottage cheese and cardboard diet will resume on Monday)

If distance and weather prevents you from enjoying a slice of frozen New Jersey, then kick back with a tub of ice cream and sample the show from your sofa at Carbon Footprints

Sweet and Sour : charcoal and pastel still life drawing

Artist Reception : January 16 11-1pm December 14 - February 10 2011 SOLO SHOW : Carbon Footprints Gaelen Gallery West Lautenberg Family JCC Rt 10 East Whippany, NJ